Hi, I'm Ryan, and my Chinese name is Yu-An Chen.
Graduate student at MHCI Lab (National Taiwan University),
research interests include HCI, web development.

I'm always passionate about learning new techniques and professional knowledge. I also occasionally write articles to share my development and travel experiences. See also my blog on Medium:medium.com/@ryanC1993.

MobileHCI, 2018ARPilot
CHI, 2017SpeechBubbles
VRST, 2017PeriText+
UIST, 2017CircuitSense
UIST, 2017CurrentViz
CHI EA, 2017Party Animals
Drones offer camera angles that are not possible with traditional cameras and are becoming increasingly popular for videography. However, flying a drone and controlling its camera simultaneously requires manipulating 5-6 degrees of freedom (DOF) that needs significant training. We present ARPilot, a direct-manipulation interface that lets users plan an aerial video by physically moving their mobile devices ...more
Alcon Blink Challenge

A web game to test how long can you open eyes without a blink! I was responsible for constructing the frontend structure and implementing blink detect with face tracking.

WebVue.jsface-apiDeep learning
MACLab website

A website for Music and Audio Computing Lab at Academia Sinica. I was responsible for the frontend programming and layout designed. This website was rendered by server side (SSR), so it's better for SEO and user experience. We provide the editor for lab's member to eidt the website's content, Yu-Chih dealing backend-side programming and DB designs.

NTU election polls website

A website for the Student Association at National Taiwan University (NTU). It's a public opinion poll for the NTU principal selection. We have implemented a complete web system with backend providing RESTful APIs on Nginx. I was mostly responsible for the frontend programming and layout designed, while Yu-Chih dealing backend-side programming and DB designs.

OpenHCI 2017 official website

“Re-” stands for a process of rethinking, reconstruction and revolution. We invite you to set free your imagination and subvert your mind through multi-disciplinary collaboration. Together, we aim to discover a deeper level of interaction within human, objects, and everything in between.

Research Map

Research Map, a innovativesystem for helping users with this issue by collecting data fromfour popular websites to get the worldwide professors information and providing the retrieval system to get the most suitable one.

Virus Fun Run

Enhanced night runner’s joyfulness through the light interaction between different mobile devices.


UIST 2016 Student Innovation Contest. A system controls one hand with EMS and recognize player’s gesture in realtime to be the opponent in Roshambo game.

ArduinoLeap motionPythonPyQt